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Three groups of thin body movement, fat to help sleep

Movement is always the best way to burn fat, introduced a thin body exercise, help you burn fat fast, thus achieve the goal of thin body weight loss, easily and help sleep efficacy, below to see what should we do it.

Action 1: shrink abdomen thin leg movement for 1 minute

The waist up and down movement can movement to no movement to the pelvic floor muscle group, at the same time, strengthen the inner thigh muscles. Also to have certain effect to improve constipation!

A. lie low is on the face.Stretch as far as possible straight body, lie low is on the face. Wide open with the waist knees, hands in eight-lane, leaving the body!

B. a waist keep seven seconds.Shoulders and feet close to the floor, waist up very slowly. Feeling thigh of hard stretch ahead, this position maintain seven seconds!

C. knee together hold seven seconds,On the waist to keep quite, then knees together, continue to maintain seven seconds. Then feel the pelvis is tightening. Then slowly loosen the waist, back to A position. Repeat this action 2-3 times.


Action 2: thin waist hip movement for 2 minutes

The gourd waist and boo is necessary for perfect curve. Relaxation in the pelvis and joint first, adjust the whole body of skew, stimulate the muscles around the waist, from inside the body to achieve the effect of thin waist and buttock.

A. the knee straight.Face up to lie down, set up to a foot of knee. At this point the body should be straight. Hands are eight open, away from the body.

B. the knee outward.Set up knee outward slowly down, until it hit the floor. Pay attention to the leg foot motherboard to be close to straight, upper body straight, don't leave the floor around the waist.

C. knee back to its original position.Pour knee outward slowly back to its original position. Then put the legs straight forward. Then on the other side of the knee and take the same action, do five times over.

Action 3: sleeping relaxing exercise 1 minute

Sleep is an important time to reply to promote metabolism and hormonal balance. Want to achieve in a deep sleep state, the quality of the final relaxed stretching, can let the body into a state of rest.

A. lie low is on the face.Below the chest pad a pillow or a cushion, lie low is on the face. Hands naturally in the body side, legs wide open with waist, shoulders relaxed do not force!

B. Long live the pose.Hands lifted up slowly, into the ear. Finger stretch as far as possible, at the same time to abdominal breathing.

C. keep 10 seconds.Hold B's position, at the same time, abdominal breathing slowly, keep for 10 seconds. Note at this point do not bend the knee. After a devolved away all the effort, let the body relax.

Easy movement, five minutes before bedtime can not only relieve the body tension and stress of a day, still can look forward to the effect of the sculpture curve. Even if just as stretching exercise before sleeping is good too!

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