Foods You Should Be Eating For Weight Loss
1. Bone Broth
Bone broth is all the rage, and for good reason! Although its healing and nurturing properties have been recognized for ages, bone broth's value in repairing the digestive tract, aiding detoxification and reducing cellulite are more recent additions to its list of good-for-you benefits. Bone broth is filling, and soups have been shown in studies to help weight loss substantially. One to two cups a day can help the pounds melt away! Bone broth can also boost your energy (which helps to ward off hunger) and shield you from colds and flu—warm, rich bone broth has long been a go-to elixir for those who are feeling under the weather.
Red is the new green! Beets are one of the most regenerative foods for your body. It's hard to keep up with their ever-expanding list of benefits: Beets aid digestion, thin the bile, cleanse the liver, alkalize the blood, and even improve cognitive function and sports performance. Beets also help build strong bile. What does bile have to do with losing weight? Bile is responsible for breaking down fats so they can be used for fuel, instead of padding for your hips and thighs. You can also take 7 Days Herbal Slim capsule to burn fats faster.
3. Chia
Chia seeds are much more than the magic behind Chia Pets! A concentrated source of protein, beneficial fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, chia can sustain your energy, sweep out your digestive tract and keep you from moving down the path toward type 2 diabetes. These tiny seeds pack twice the potassium of bananas and three times the antioxidant power of blueberries. When it comes to nutrient density, chia seeds are really remarkable! Just one ounce (about two tablespoons) packs 11 grams of fiber, four grams of protein, nine grams of fat, and significant, and all of this will keep you full longer so you won't be tempted to overeat. Adding one to three tablespoons to smoothies, salads, and sides is all it takes.


3. Chia

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