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Why beans do such a big favor in your weight loss

Beans may be known mostly for their unpleasant odiferous side effect when eaten, but beans are actually nutritious little gems. If you follow these tips, you can eat beans without the bloat, which means you can reap these weight-loss benefits. Here are three reasons to plate-up with beans.


While the fiber content of beans helps keep things moving, it also gives you that "I'm full" feeling. Satiating your hunger is the key to preventing overeating and consuming too many calories for the day. But you don't just need to eat a plate of plain beans; in fact, you can add beans to smoothies — you won't be able to taste them at all. Or throw them in your scrambled eggs, add them to soups, pasta dishes, or as a topping on homemade pizza.

Protein Punch

Beans aren't just for vegetarians. Omnivores can soak up bean protein as well. High-protein beans help keep energy and blood-sugar levels stable, which helps prevent cravings for sugary pick-me-ups that tend to be high in calories and void of nutrition. Since a couple hours between meals tends to be common crash times, including beans for breakfast and lunch will keep you peppy until your next meal.


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