Understand these 3 recipes to aid autumn slimming

Sea algae of food contains large of vitamins and minerals, especially iodine, and calcium, and magnesium, and iron, and potassium, and NA etc minerals, especially beneficial for people who pay attention to health beauty, and want to dump body of filler meat and improve lower body curve! kelp contains large of iodine, this minerals helps body enhance thyroid function, quit helpful for heat consumption and the body's metabolism, then reaching purpose of weight reduction and the control of weight .
Bananas dipped in honey
Bananas are high in dietary fiber, which can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, helping excretion. If you eat nothing, only eat bananas dipped in honey, so the heat is far lower than the dinner, naturally you can slim down . However, such rapid weight loss and body often can have adverse reactions due to without preparation. If you long-term depend on bananas for your livelihood, due to lack of protein, minerals, and other nutrients, your body will slowly issue a danger alert.
Eating grapefruit and lemon
Grapefruits are rich in vitamin c, but the sugar content is not high, if you eat a grapefruit to replace a meal, naturally low in calories, if calories in other meals also are controlled , naturally you can slim down after a period of time. But if you have weak constitutions, it is best to eat a few pieces of high-fiber crackers, so as to avoid possible acidity of the stomach you can't stand the pain caused by fasting.
Lemons may reduce the incidence of freckles, dark spots, and also have some whitening effect. Lemon has the effect of decomposing fat like vinegar and after meal drinking a little can make you become more beautiful and slender. But both the lemon and vinegar have a high acidity, so drinking on an empty stomach or drinking too much will rot your stomach.
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