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5 kinds of nutritional and healthy between-meal snacks

Sunflower seeds can beauty. Sunflower seeds contain protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, also is particularly rich in linoleic acid content. Linoleic acid helps to maintain skin delicate , preventing dry skin and melanin.

Peanut prevents the skin disease. vitamin B2 in peanuts is  one of vitamins our daily meals lack in.So intentionally to eat some peanuts, can replenish the vitamin B2 deficiency in daily dietary , but also contributes to the prevention and treatment of cleft lip, eyes red and itchy, seborrheic dermatitis and other diseases.

Walnut beautys fingernail. Walnut is rich in auxin, can make nails strong and not easy to crack and also walnut is rich in vegetable protein, which can promote the growth of nails. Often eating walnuts contributes to increasing the toughness of nail.


Dates prevent scurvy. The vitamin C content is very rich in dates, be called "live Vitamin C Pills" by nutritionists .Deficiency of vitamin C in the diet will make people feel tiredness, or even suffer from scurvy.

Cheese to strengthen teeth. The cheese is the "bonanza" of calcium , can make teeth strong . Nutritionists indicated through research, eating 150 grams of cheese for an adult can help prevent loss of tooth in old age.

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