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Three good weight-loss habits make belly easily become thin

In daily life, many young women's belly slowly gets fatter, why is that? The reason is certainly related to the usual habits, sedentary is the first arch-criminal. The following up tells how to lose belly.

Do more exercise

For the methods of weight loss, the most direct and simple method is to do exercise, not only can thin the lower abdomen, also lose other body sites. Firstly to lie on the floor, then is to strength straight your feet, and then it is required to ascend, and then put back, repeating the words is the need to do 15 times. Is more daily to do several times. Then you need to couple with a more healthy diet, the effect will be better if possible.

As far as possible stand

In normal times you should stand as much as possible, because standing is not too easy to make fat accumulated in the stomach, when also can well be tiptoe, so the effect is also more obvious, but for calf, but also it can play a slimming effect, also you just rub your belly.

Don't eat too much at night

In the evening, especially you need to pay attention to not eating too much, do not eat greasy food, also some sweet, the best thing you can do is to prohibit eating after 9 point at night, snack late at night is the most easily to gain weight, and half an hour after dinner you'd better do exercise for a while, walking is the best choice.

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